Provide free product selection services, construction scheme services.
Before you order the waterproof material, if you havenot decided which material is more suitable for your project, we will match youwith the most suitable products and con-struction advice.
OEM & ODM services
As the source factory, we have already provided services for hundreds of well- known enterprises, and can provide packaging design services.
Provide on-site technical support and construction guidance services.
Correct construction method and high- quality product are equally important in waterproof projects. For large projects, we provide on-site technical support and construction guidance services to ensure that the project reaches the optimal waterproof target.
online consultation service
We are committed to providing quality 24-hour online service to help you with your troubles anytime, anywhere
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Connecting and building the world with Huan Yue Geosynthetics, to make her more beautiful.
Contact Us
Mobile & WhatsApp & WeChat: +86-17852347951
Address:Economic Development Zone of Lingcheng District, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, China.
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